
David DeLong Writer of Workforce Issues

UpSkill Houston uses video to recruit its future workforceEmployers in many industries today are anxious to know where their future workers are coming from. This is a particular problem in less “sexy” traditional industries, like construction, manufacturing and energy. Smart leaders continue to build relationships with schools that can ultimately supply applicants for hard to fill jobs.

But, reinventing the talent pipeline in industries where retiring Baby Boomers are creating major skill shortages, isn’t just a matter of letting schools know you’re ready to hire their graduates. Companies and regional workforce initiatives have got to build awareness and demand among students (and their parents) for the great career opportunities they have to offer. Building interest in these traditional jobs takes time and creative effort.

Career Options Without a Degree

Click here to see how the Greater Houston Partnership’s UpSkill Houston has launched an innovative campaign designed to show students what their life could be like as a auto technician, an electrician, a carpenter, a pipefitter in the energy industry, or a clinic coordinator in healthcare.

Peter Beard leads UpSkill Houston and says the videos are part of a multi-pronged, research-based campaign to build student interest in the region’s jobs that offer good salaries, paths to career growth and that require two years or less of education beyond high school

The videos were created specifically to provide easy access for young people, parents and educators. The also include fact sheets providing additional details on the specific careers. The “UpSkill My Life” website also includes information about other rewarding careers in the same industry and steps to advancing in those fields.

Career Awareness Tools That Connect

Are the videos having any impact? They’re certainly creating more interest from schools and a social media buzz. Beard explained that one school district tweeted out the following recently:

 “Course Selection for next year is under way!  #WhatAreYouUpFor? Don’t waste your high school years and graduate without being ready for a job in the Career Pathway of your choice! Pick your favorite video, and we’ll tell you which Program of Study is for you!”

Check out the videos here and decide if this approach would make sense for your company or regional workforce development organization. How are you going to fill the talent pipeline to develop your future workforce?